Local Green
Local Green supplies a full spectrum of leafy greens that includes a potent combination of ginger and turmeric to make for an extra charged green juice to support your brain, immunity, detoxification, and recovery.
Order by 11am and your juice will be freshly pressed and delivered to you tomorrow
Ginger,* Turmeric,* Dandelion Greens,* Chard,* Parsley,* Spinach,* Cucumber,* Celery,* Lemon*
*Certified Organic Ingredients
Cara Cara Orange,* Grapefruit,* Blood Orange,* Adaptogen Berry Blend (Acerola Berry,* Amla Berry,* Camu Camu Berry,* Goji Berry,* Schisandra Berry*)
*Certified Organic Ingredients
Green apple*, Grapefruit*, Fennel*, Mint*, Moringa*
*Certified Organic Ingredients
Turmeric,* Grapefruit,* Carrot,* Orange*
*Certified Organic Ingredients
Kale,* Spinach,* Parsley,* Romaine,* Cucumber,* Celery,* Lemon*
*Certified Organic Ingredients
5.0 / 5.0
1 Review